Wednesday, December 12, 2012

During the past week, I have been counseling clients in the Brentwood area on a variety of topics, but one recurrent topic continues to surface in most conversations. The idea that it is healthier to consider infinite possibilities rather than absolute labels, thoughts, or perceptions.

It can be very easy for us to pin someone else into a corner, or box- it gives us a feeling of security- to know how to manage people or outcomes.  However, when you can take the person out of the box and instead use the word, "Maybe they are ______, or a part of them may show _______, it allows us to connect with the "what if" we have that same trait of our own selves.

 Creating judgements in our heads is not a bad thing per se, but creating specific ideas that don't allow ourselves, others, or situations to evolve, can not be considered the healthiest coping tool for our emotional growth.

True growth is found with true acceptance. True acceptance stems from unconditional positive regard form you towards something inward or outward.

Growth comes from a give and take relationship- being able to coexist with the infinite variables of your self and your environment. Plants do not grow on their own, they need sun, water, soil. Babies can not thrive without interactions of a caretaker including food and shelter.

Consider the labels you place on yourself, others, or certain situation- characteristics that may be boxing yourself into a very limited perspective. For your emotional growth to develop stronger, consider replanting "overcrowded roots in a too small container" into a larger flower pot, to breathe in space for fresh perspective and room to flourish.

Annie Jung, M.A, LPCC is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in Brentwood, CA. Her private practice provides mental health therapy for children, teens, adults, families, and couples. "Affordable and Effective Counseling for Clients of All Ages." Contact Annie Jung, M.A, LPCC for a free phone consultation or to schedule an appointment: 925-759-7200 or